Play Ideias #4
Casa para o Pet, Pou Online (onde todos pudessem interagir com outros Pous ao mesmo tempo), novas fantasias de animais e sistema de troca e venda de itens
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Hello we are a Brazilian team where
the many fans of the pou, with this
we have received some suggestions
that we would have liked it at Pou:
House for Pet, Pou Online (where
everyone could interact with
other Pous the same time), new
animal costumes and exchange
system and selling items
Que ta esperando ? Envie você tambem [Play Ideias]
Casa para o Pet, Pou Online (onde todos pudessem interagir com outros Pous ao mesmo tempo), novas fantasias de animais e sistema de troca e venda de itens
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Hello we are a Brazilian team where
the many fans of the pou, with this
we have received some suggestions
that we would have liked it at Pou:
House for Pet, Pou Online (where
everyone could interact with
other Pous the same time), new
animal costumes and exchange
system and selling items
Que ta esperando ? Envie você tambem [Play Ideias]
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