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domingo, 28 de setembro de 2014

Play Ideias #7

Play Ideias #7

Poder comprar um filhote, chover de vez em quando, mais variações de sapatos, poder enviar presentes e outros itens para os Pous, ter tirinhas no IOS, ANDROID e por final um Aplicativo PLAY POU (ideia para o Play Pou)!

Enviaremos a Http://help.pou.me

Hello we are a Brazilian team where the many fans of the pou, with this we have received some suggestions that we would have liked it at Pou:
Be able to buy a pup, rain once in a while, more variations of shoes, you can send gifts and other items for the Pous, have comics in IOS, ANDROID and end an Application PLAY POU!

Participe e envie sua ideia!
[Play Ideias]

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